Monday, 2 May 2011

what rating our film would get BBFC

Ratings =>

Discrimination is not allowed at all unless obviously disapproved of.
Unlikely to be approved of unless in historical or educational context, cannot be of the character that the child relates with.
Must not be accepted by all the characters within the film.  Needs to be clearly unacceptable to most characters.
As a whole the film must not endorse discrimination.
All allowed within
No references to drugs unless for educational benefits to the child i.e. showing them that it is wrong to do.
References to illegal drugs allowed however must carry a strong message that they are wrong.
Infrequent and should not give detail of use.
Easily available drugs like aerosols are not permitted to be seen however illegal drug references are allowed if the film as a whole disapproves of drugs.
All allowed within
Mild and infrequent and unlikely to cause a young child stress, the end result also needs to be a ‘happy ending’. To reassure the child.
Horror sequences should be short however fantasy horror can be mild but not to a frightening degree.
Disturbing sequences allowed however these need to be moderate and not for the whole film.
Strong threats allowed as long as there not sexual.
All allowed within

Imitable behaviour
No behaviour that is dangerous can be imitated as children could copy this.
No behaviour that is dangerous can be imitated as children could copy this.
Behaviour such as self harm should not be dwelled on as could be copied and should not be shown as pain free to the viewer.  
Behaviour such as self harm should not be dwelled on as could be copied and should not be shown as pain free to the viewer.  
All allowed within

Infrequent uses of very mild ‘bad’ words e.g. crap.
Mild occasional only.
Moderate language allowed, strong must be infrequent.
Strong language allowed frequently but strongest terms should be kept to a bare minimum.
All allowed within

Rare natural nudity but with no sexual connotation.
Rare natural nudity
 but with no sexual connotation.
Allowed but in a sexual context must be discreet.
Allowed in a sexualised way as long as it is not in too much detail.
All allowed within

Appropriate for that of a young child.
Where serious themes are considered there should
 be no level of
acceptance of the bad behaviour being acceptable.
Harsh theme acceptable bu suitable for young teenagers to understand and not find amusing.
All accepted.
All allowed within

Mild threat occasionally only.
Moderate violence in context may be accepted e.g. in historical.
Allowed at a moderate level but must not be out of context.
Sadistic or sexualised violence not allowed strong violent images disallowed all others accepted.
All accept that of an
 extreme sexual
 violence or fetish.

May be implied but discreet and mild innuendos only.
Frequent crudeness not allowed but sexual scene must be brief and discreet.
Strong detailed references disallowed.
All acceptable except
 that which encourages
 extreme fetishes.  

                After finding out the boundaries for film ratings according to the bbfc, I have decided to estimate what our film would be rated at based upon the 2 minute opening. Our footage features no, sex, drugs discrimination nudity or language. Our horror sections would be either a 15, as there is serious threat to the main character. Our violence would be either a 12 or a 15, as our main character gets stabbed 3 times, before being left in a bath filled with water. However, the knife is never seen going into the victim, making the scene milder than originally thought. As the theme of the film is about a serial killer murdering innocent teenage victims, our film would probably get a rating of 15 for this section. Overall I think our film would be rated as a 15 by the bbfc, due to horror and mature themes.

1 comment:

  1. Elliot, this would be useful information to include in your evaluation when considering how you managed to target your audience...
